Organizational resilience and adaptability have never been more important; however, few leaders are truly prepared to lead through crisis.
Rise Up: Leadership Habits for Turbulent Times is a call to action for leaders to accept that many of their habits diminish the resilience of their organizations and to commit to a plan that will reposition them as twenty-first-century leaders.
In this engaging and thought-provoking guide, authors Ali Grovue and Mike Watson present six distinct yet deeply interconnected habits that all leaders must adopt: Trust, Inquisitiveness, Humility, Optimism, Courage, and Discipline. Embracing these habits will help create a high-functioning culture where employees feel enabled to be the best versions of themselves in pursuit of a common, noble goal. The habits are also foundational to a transformative and enduring strategy, one that is developed and owned not by the leader, but by everyone within the organization.
Brought to life through real-life examples taken from Grovue and Watson’s work as strategic leadership advisers in business and sport, and combined with intelligence from academic and psychological research, Rise Up provides leaders with a clear, insightful, and actionable path to building organizations that can adapt—and even thrive—despite hard times.
“The perfect combination of inspiration, wisdom, and action, Rise Up is a different kind of leadership book.”
CEO of Vancouver International Airport Authority and Chair of Canada Infrastructure Bank
“How doughnuts and discipline can lead you to managerial success”
“The Five Cs Of Trust”
“Corporate leaders need to admit to imperfection, be more caring and adopt new habits to survive turbulent times, say the authors of Rise Up.”
“Organizations would be wise to require everyone heading off for leadership training & development to first read Ali Grovue and Mike Watson’s book Rise Up and do some serious self-reflection. It’ll be time well spent.”
“The authors of Rise Up on what it takes to be a modern leader.”
“Stuck between a boss and lack of leadership”
“I love the practical applications outlined in Rise Up. They will help executives confront and strengthen their purpose-driven leadership.”
Jordan Zweig
Senior VP And Chief Human Resources Officer, Championx
“Resilient leadership is critical to the success and even the survival of today’s businesses. Rise Up examines the qualities of resilient leaders and shows how each of us can become more effective.”
CEO, Canadian Chamber of Commerce
“If there was ever a time for a thoughtful reflection on what it takes to be a resilient leader committed to engaging the power of a team to collectively ask ‘how might we…?’ our post-pandemic world is it. Rise Up is a wise, insightful distillation of years of experience with resilient leaders, offering practical, grounded examples and guidance. This book will trigger constructive self-reflection.”
Shauneen Bruder
Corporate Director, CN Railway; Former Executive VP, RBC

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