In this experiential, interactive session, you will learn how to prepare for and lead meetings that draw out participant perspectives and create alignment around meeting outcomes. You will learn facilitation tools and techniques, share challenges and lessons with your colleagues, gain confidence, and leave with a plan to implement and practice your new skills.

What is Facilitation?
Facilitation is the process of engaging participants in meaningful dialogue by asking questions and moderating discussions that help participants learn, gain new perspectives and insights, and align around decisions or outcomes. In contrast to presenting, facilitation focuses on process over content.
Learning outcomes
- Prepare for meetings effectively
- Feel confident leading in-person and virtual meetings
- Keep discussions focused and productive and end meetings on time
- Foster engagement and collaboration
- Create alignment
- Create accountability

The session is designed for leaders, managers, and anyone required to lead meetings in their organizations. This session is delivered exclusively to same-organization participants
Delivery format
This session is delivered in three, three-hour virtual modules for a total session time of nine hours.
Leading effective meetings is a critical skill for leaders and managers.
Effective internal meetings enhance productivity and efficiency, increase employee engagement, and result in better decisions.
Effective external meetings ensure perspectives are understood and create alignment around meeting outcomes.